
The bad news first: The quality of sleep not only affects your energy level the next day, but also has a direct impact on your skin.

If you can't really relax at night, the levels of melantonin and HGH (Human Growth Hormone) released at night decrease. Unfortunately, this in turn has a negative effect on the entire regeneration process of the skin. And of course it's not just the skin that is affected, but also many organs. But since we are all relatively vain, we notice a dull, tired complexion immediately.

Sleep enemy number 1 is STRESS

You're already rolling your eyes. How should you relieve stress right now?

As a reminder: During stressful times, the amount of cortisol in the body increases. Cortisol is a stimulating, alarming hormone. It is also often called the stress hormone, which is released when things are stressful. But it also plays an important role in regulating the sleep cycle. Healthy cortisol levels slowly rise again in the second half of the night, helping us bring the body into a wakeful state in the morning. That would be the ideal situation, that would be normal. What is not normal, however, is when prolonged or persistent stress causes the body to get stuck in this so-called alarm mode and thus disrupts the natural rhythm of decline and rise.

In addition to the other negative physical effects (ATTENTION: Now here comes my work as a skin coach), studies show quite clearly that persistent stress can worsen or even trigger inflammatory skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, acne, extremely dry skin, etc.

+ The nightly rhythm relates to our internal, body clock. One of its most important functions is regulating the natural sleep/wake cycle.

+ When our natural circadian rhythm is disrupted, this can impact sleep.

+ Unfortunately, in order to get a good night's sleep, we have to address the problems that throw our natural circadian rhythm off course.

+ Especially everything that happens after 3 p.m. has an involuntary impact on the night.

+ In this respect, the following things must be taken into account or, better yet, avoided —>

  • Coffee/caffeine too late (every body is sensitive differently, but I don't drink coffee after 2 hours)
  • Screen time - unfortunately not always as easy to implement as we should. It would be ideal not to use TV, iPhone or laptop at least 1 hour before going to bed
  • For some of us, exercising in the evening is counterproductive
  • Too heavy meals late in the evening as well
  • did I mention alcohol?!?
  • Arguments/stress with your partner or any other emotional stress

What helps?

+ real relaxation before sleep: a walk, a bath, a good book

+ I personally also think, for example, that leaving out the absolute “no, no’s” – see above – is easier in the end and has a pretty big impact!

+ what always helps me is listening to music! If necessary, you can also fold laundry or load the dishwasher or or or - but the music definitely relaxes you.

Sort thoughts

+ and write down everything that's on your mind so that your mind doesn't get in the way at night or in the evening.

+ We know the saying “all cats are gray at night” and all worries are outsized. So please write everything down every evening:

To do's, worries, fears - but also positive, inspiring things.

+ We are often afraid that we will have forgotten everything the next day and then in the evening/night we mentally move everything from left to right and back again. So pen and paper belong next to the bed...

Essential oils

Here's my tip for a sleep-inducing body oil, which I massage onto my stomach and the soles of my feet before going to bed. You can also put a small swab directly under your nose...

10 drops of lavender (calming)

7 drops of ylang ylang (against head pain)

8 drops of patchouli (great for us women)

Everything in 100 ml vegetable oil base (for

Example: almond oil) (never apply essential oils directly to the skin) and

shake vigorously. It's best to put the bottle right next to the bed...

The evening beauty routine

+ Double Cleansing with cleansing oil and a mild cleansing gel. Anyone who has followed me here for a long time knows my opinion that only very thoroughly cleansed skin can regenerate overnight, as only then is the protective function replaced by the repair function. For dry skin types, I recommend the Voyanics Marula + Rose Cleansing Oil. For all other skin types, especially those prone to impurities, the anti-inflammatory Chia Seed Pre-Cleanse Oil from Voyanics. Then Neroli+ Jojoba Cleansing Gel plus lavender water as a facial toner to soothe the skin.

+ Only now can the care products work really well and you can "layer" the active ingredients as needed: In winter, at least a hyaluronic gel (Hyaluron + Pomegrante from Voyanics or Hyaluronic Serum from Nectar) plus facial oil! If you suffer from dry, irritated skin, add a few drops of Seabuckthorn Hydration Fluid to the oil.

In the winter months it also makes sense to have the Shea Butter + Lavender Balm nearby, because every now and then the skin needs even more oil to get through the cold season! Prickly Pear Eye Roll on is the perfect finishing touch for the sensitive eye area.

If you now need more reasons to focus on your own sleep hygiene or change it if necessary - here we go:

Sleep, skin and our immune system are very closely linked. If we don't get enough sleep, not only our skin suffers - it becomes more susceptible to inflammation, for example - but our entire immune system is also weakened. So TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF!

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