The second chakra, also known as the sacral chakra, is located about a hand's width below the navel. While the first chakra forms the basis of our mental development, the sacral chakra is responsible for our emotional development. It is used to process emotions and feelings, promotes joy in life and regulates the distribution of vitality. Its element is water and it is associated with the color orange. On a physical level, the sacral chakra is connected to the gonads, which is why it affects issues such as sexuality and reproduction. Disorders in this area, such as sexual dysfunction, infertility or hormonal imbalances, can indicate a disturbed sacral chakra.
50 ml in spray form
Das Spray mit etwa 30cm Abstand auf das jeweilige Chakra sprühen oder als Körperumfeld/Auraspray verwenden. Um sich von Innen heraus zu stärken ein paar Sprühstöße in ein Glas Wasser geben und trinken.
Apple hydrolate, comfrey essence, pear flower essence, iris, common beech, chicory*
* organic cultivation